The Sublime Seduction of Being Invited to Know the Unknowable

Would you want ‘To Know the Veritable Unknowable’ … Or do you want to stay where you are ... okay ... a point in between ... perhaps just change a few outdated assumptions of who you really are, at your 'core' ... at the level of the Soul.

Would you consider and accept that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE, let's say on a personal level if some outdated and/or misunderstood information was allowed to be 'Re-framed' for a more positive, understanding?

How would an 'Unknown Known' change your path, your thoughts & beliefs? 

Assume that this improves your relationship with others, yet you allow them to maintain their path in life, without interference, as your enhanced awareness allows you to understand, a deeper level.

Conceivably, for purpose of this writing, consider that 'The Garden of Eden' story was simply presented as Metaphor, a Story, a Fable to explain an event that was difficult to explain. And yet, Perhaps, Consider the 'Metaphorical 'Garden of Eden' story has Hidden meanings that one should take pause to understand. ... 

Although, I consider the story is true, yet missing important information that we should know, As Such, I take literary liberty in adding a twist to what was presented:

Adam and Eve, were formed from the earth, yet, apparently with the Breath of The Creator, initially, were Spiritual Beings, placed in a beautiful Garden and then, after a short 'conversation,' The Creator left them 'alone' to walk about and enjoy the Peace and Beauty of their surroundings. 

However, they were overwhelmed, their 'minds' were taking it all in, Until ... {da, da, da, doom} ... The Wise Serpent Appeared, perhaps welcoming them, as UNEXPECTED Guests to 'Her Garden.' 

Perhaps soon enough, there was an anxiety or concern, even for a brief moment, that the Serpent suggested that they should be feeling Welcome ... as Her Guests, that 'they did not know how to take The Serpents comments ... 'Guests?, Her Garden?, nor how to care of this immense area ... and so they did accept this fear as a curious emotion. 'What If' they failed?

'The Serpent' took this moment, offering them 'The Sublime Subduction of having all of the Wisdom presented to them, simply by sharing a picnic, as she would explain all things. As the story goes, they believed The Serpent and believed it would be so beneficial ... 'Surely,' they thought, 'their Creator sent this Beautiful and kind Spirit to provide the wisdom they lacked.' 

The trap was set. And thus, it was so.

Then ... They heard the Creator walking in the Garden, calling out to them. They Hid, and Adam, in fear and in disrespect ... Lied. At this point, forgiveness was not an option, however, Mercy was.

There did not seem any choice in accepting the Chaos, the Traumas that followed. 

Yet, this is not the end of the story, as we are their descendants 'we' still have some remnants of free will, albeit offset by a law of Cause and Effect, which created a whirlwind of conflicting stories, and/or metaphors.' 

Yet, the current beliefs you hold, may be the 'Effects' that were from that fateful and yes, fatal decision for all of us. Apparently, Adam and Eve lost a critical connection between their souls and their Creator. it at least seemed that way, as they were sent out of the Garden, for their own protection, as well as ours, as a 'New Plan' was set into motion.  They so craved to 'Experience All Things, Seen and Unseen' with our realizing this included a 'Total Emersion into the World of Shadows, of Deceit, and all too soon, death of one of their children, followed by incest. Adam and Eve found they needed to flee for their lives and go into hiding, far away from 'The Garden.'

Some, perhaps many, believe, as I do, that our souls continue on. Perhaps to another life, another experience. And also do the 'metaphors, the 'Stories,' the Epigenetic Entanglements that ensued across multiple generations ... distorting 'the truth-be-told,' and 'Wisdom.'  

Who am I to suggest that this is possible, even beneficial? 

I Am ... a Spiritual Coach and I study multiple areas of Science as well as Metaphysics and Spirituality ... And believe that all have Intersection points, creating a grid that can truly be described as a Matrix of Sacred Reality. I suggest that know this as a result of a Near Death Experience at the age of Five years-six months, in which I was reminded that I was sent here with an assignment, a purpose, or if you prefer, a mission. In the process, i was given information which shifted my viewpoints.

Given my age at the time, five years-six months old, and given the family dynamics, creating the situation I was in, there was a level of ‘conscious’ amnesia, perhaps deliberate, in which I knew things, yet was not aware of how to 'articulate' them, all of which was positive, yet, as I did not have a sufficient vocabulary to express the beauty and wisdom of what was shared with me, and even if I could have, shared, I question if it would have been accepted. Since my NDE, after my return and during my lifetime here, I received information that I could pass on to "Adults" in a manner that they accepted what I was sharing. However, given that I received not only a significant amount of information from 'Source", and frequently received Spiritual Visitations, which opened more of the 'Story' I was told, I spent time in prayer and meditation to understand how the Matrix of Reality worked within what some refer to as the Laws of the Universe. Also due to the childhood traumas, which I am written about, along with my NDE and the learnings I received in Heaven, in a book I have not yet published, as I am waiting for "Permission."

I spent many years in understanding and working through my personal traumas, with therapists, Spiritual individuals, my 'Spiritual Guardians' and, of course, multiple seminars on becoming a Life Coach. As well as searching for 'The Keys to Unlock' the very vivid holographic presentations I was gifted during my NDE.  

I eventually accepted that I AM a Spiritual Coach and I study multiple areas of Science as well as Metaphysics and Spirituality ... To me, it seems that all have Intersection points, creating a grid that can truly be described as a Matrix of Sacred Reality. I add that I was 'prevented' from continuing my college education passed an AS Degree, so I depend more on Spiritual Guidance, as well as Seminars and Trainings that I have been guided to, as well as Arcane writings which actually support my beliefs. {Very non-denominational, although, more Esoteric Christian ... and not in the realm of 'Religious Rhetoric'}.  

I have blended together my learnings, my multiple Coaching trainings, at the least, of NLP, Hypnosis, Guided Imagery, Reiki and so much more along with an aspect of 'Quantum Time' to create and support a 'client' towards a safe path of regression and a point of curiosity, allowing them to maintain at a benign distance for separate observation of self, while remaining in Present Awareness ... into a forgotten or repressed memory, a former time chosen by the client, and not myself, as although, this may lack the full information the individual person may expect in order to respond to an present day event. More importantly, "The First Event" and/or 'Root Cause' is more often sufficient for a positive shift, that will also support 'emergent knowledge' that the client will generate on their own.

When we are 'Triggered' by events that have past imprints, we can respond either in Fight, Frozen or Flight ... Sometimes the response is a subtle sarcastic remark, a blank stare or sudden excuse / need to 'leave the room' while other times can become debilitating anxiety or expression of anger.

As an added comment, and to provide a ‘Break State’ in conversation, I may share that 'The original term Coach' may be remembered as a vehicle of means of bringing someone from a place they want to leave to a desired location ... Coaching an individual still has the same context ... undesired state to desired state.

As well as bringing an individual to a point of wonder and curiosity, we, together, also bring in additional resources that the client may have forgotten, holding at unconscious levels, in establishing conscious awareness that they have within themselves and as well, create sacred space that they can access at a later time. I also use other modalities of change work to help my clients review the events that they need to add resources in order to release the negative beliefs and or imprinted fears {Epigenetic} stories they have accepted as truth without verification.

At some point, most of us realize that Santa Claus and the Easter bunny are metaphors just like many of the fairy tales we are told. Some stories are not released so easily ... some events support fears, phobias, and other unwanted emotions.

And it is fairly common that, in their daily speech, we frequently express specific words that are 'symbolic metaphors', ... the words they use, the body language and voice tonality are unique stories, reflecting what is normally ‘hidden’ ... deep ... in our memories ... simply stated, we associate meaning to our words that are not always understood by others.

Sometimes, the use of these words can be conditioned responses that, while understood by us, are rejected by others. Accepted in order to 'feel safe' in their environments as infants through six years of age and were modified from ages 7-12 while they were in different social environments.

Over the years, as we develop cognitive skills, some of the early imprints, which may have been created in response to an upset and especially a trauma, will bringing this to awareness allows individuals to regain choice. I many cases, as a child will grow, they will have been exposed to what has, in some areas, referred to as "Epigenetic Entanglement" which is passed on Generationally, potentially at conception, then by parents and by Culture. A polite term is called 'Metaphors' which can be quickly accepted as 'Truth and Wisdom.'  Although, these metaphors can seem to be 'god's truth,' yet seriously contaminated by misinformation. To ‘challenge’ any of these offerings of ‘truth’ could result in triggering a trauma in the storyteller, thus, adding another traumatic imprint onto the one who would defy the ‘Wisdom of an Elder.' {This would require another conversation at some point.}

This, then, would become evident to the 'storyteller' when the individual, or recipient accepts the 'New Story,' even as it may require modifying their 'presenting nature' and/or 'mannerisms,' at least around the ' storyteller' to demonstrate support that they accepted 'the new reality.' Even though this creates an internal conflict with the recipient's prior beliefs, especially if in conflict of who they really are, there may be a suppression of prior beliefs, which may create 'a part' that holds the prior belief as 'important and/or sacred,' and, even if not outwardly bothered by the time it takes others to accept the changes in themselves. It may be considered as a matter of 'survival,' depending on the relationship between the storyteller and recipient. Especially if the ‘storyteller has some influence over us like a guardian, parent, teacher or older sibling, or perhaps a Religious Leader.

We tell ourselves, you, and I and of course the others around us, stories, to express our thoughts and feelings ... yet these stories are in a subconscious language, referred to as metaphors.

In our daily discussions, in presenting the ‘Self” we believe other want us to be, many of us are not aware of the depth of information we are providing, except, perhaps on a subconscious, unconscious level, as occasionally, one or more parts will express themselves using a code we are not consciously aware of, that we do not really believe what we were told to accept, as it is not our true belief after all.  ... yet using a technique similar to Chameleons, the message is encrypted ... hidden ... even from ourselves ... reflecting what has been ‘hidden’ ... deep ... in our memories ... If our inner chameleon would laugh, it may sound more like we are clearing our thoughts or pausing to find the proper words ... our thoughts must remain ‘hidden,’ camouflaged into our surroundings.

If you would ask, it is rewarding Journey to Be a Coach, especially when these unconscious conflicts are resolved, and 'magically disappear, as though they never really existed.

                                              Past              Present            Future            




Chameleons like to blend in, so they can be the ‘unseen observer’ without being noticed as a threat to others.
Sometimes we hide too well or send off an inappropriate message that seems ok to us however is codded in a manner that it is not received and decoded properly by another.

This creates an emotional response when the “other” receives the information as a threat or challenge, - unless we want to share a bit of our talents with another … it is a game of hide and seek that we play, shifting, enjoying our invisibility while on occasion, exposing ourselves – mostly not directly however – more as a metaphor, a glance, a body pose or movement – providing a message that a fellow chameleon will understand while attempting to hide the message behind a cloak

We all have one – it hides in our words – in tone – in chosen words - , our thoughts – while processing our own and when processing the streams of sensory data from our external world, our body language,"


Bringing this to awareness to all of this allows individuals to regain choice 🙏

I use some really kool methods such as Time Line regression ... Interested?


Rev. L E Mason, H PM

Quantum Time Line Coach

      dba Chameleon Coaching Group

NLP, Hypno, Time Line™, Clean Language; Peace Process & more